Sunday, April 20, 2014

So Corruptor Still Selected Representatives

Convicted of bribery , Susi Andayani tour earned 256 votes. However , the sound is not able to deliver it to Parliament hijabi Bandarlampung period 2014-2019 .

It is said Election Commission Chairman Bandarlampung , Heri Fauzi , Monday ( 04/21/2014 ) .
According to him , Susi has been registered in the List of Candidates Remain ( DCT ) is currently a suspect in KPK .

Election Commission has sought pencoretannya Bandarlampung , because entangled case bribing Chairman of the Constitutional Court , Akil Mochtar . But nothing could be done .
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" When she was named as a suspect , we 've been doing for the proposal was dropped , but it can not be done because it has not be convicted , " he said .

Susi become candidates Andayani tour of PDI serial number seven , and compete in pileg to Parliament Bandarlampung .

Based on the results of recapitulation , the PDI-P be the party that put the most representative as many as 10 people , followed by the PAN gained seven seats .

While the MCC , NasDem Party , Democratic Party , Gerindra , and the Golkar Party , gained the same number of seats in Parliament Bandarlampung ie five seats .

" Nasdem Party chair very significant acquisition for a new party to vote for the first time , able to compete with other, more senior party , " said Fauzi .

While the PPP is only able to get four seats , two seats Hanura , PKB and PKPI each only get one seat for Parliament Bandarlampung period 2014-2019 .

Some of the names that had occupied the seat parliament Bandarlampung on the period of the Hanafi Pulung PDI , Mandy Anggraini , Sriningsih , Ivan , Suheli , Pandi Candra , Pansor , Yuginta , Wiyadi , and Nukman .


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